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Donate Online:

 These methods offer quick, easy and secure transactions. We save a lot of bank and credit card fees by using these secure online donation services. Note that your credit card statement will read, for example, “Network for Good,” but the money still comes to the AARC. Or you can also donate by mail to the address at the below.

Donate by Mail:

If you choose to mail us a contribution, please send it to:

Abused Adult Resource Center
PO Box 5003
Bismarck, ND 58502

Supporting the AARC

Funding to support the Abused Adult Resource Center is a patchwork of many sources: foundation grants, state and federal programs, profits from our Seeds of Hope gift store and corporate and individual gifts.

The AARC provides all of its services to victims free of charge. With limitations and cuts in public funding, personal gifts are essential to meeting the needs!

Donations are always appreciated. Click here to view items on our wish list that can brought to our office at 218 W Broadway in Bismarck. 


Gift Acceptance Policy

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