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Support Groups


We are here to help. If you or someone you know needs assistance, please reach out to us.

Support groups can be a life changing experience for many survivors and supportive people in their lives. Assault can make a survivor feel as if they have lost complete power and control of their own life. Support groups remind survivors that there is so much more to them than the abuse experienced. The abuse may be a part of their life experience but their strength, power and resilience can never be taken away. Support groups offer survivors an opportunity to regain a sense of self and speak out on their experiences.

After years of silence, shame, guilt, fear or receiving little to no support, support groups provide survivors the opportunity to connect with others who have experienced similar forms of violence and break down these barriers to living a successful life (as defined by the survivor). Support groups reduce common feelings of shame, guilt, and isolation and empower survivors to continue fighting for their healing. While every survivor’s experience is unique, being in a room with people who have had similar experiences can be a powerful form of support and validation. Support groups offer a space for survivors to learn coping skills, understand the effects of trauma, and increase their social support networks.

Our support groups are free and confidential.

Domestic Violence Support Group


Please contact the Abused Adult Resource Center for more information.

Sexual Violence Support Group

8 week course held every spring and fall

Please contact the Abused Adult Resource Center for more information.

Elder Abuse(ages 50+) Support Group


Please contact the Abused Adult Resource Center for more information.

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